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How to Edit a Buyer Profile Page

1 min read

Buyer Profile Pages are designed to allow Buyers to customize their representation in the marketplace and for Brands to get in depth access to Buyers all in one place. Buyer Primary, Staff Admin, and Customer Service Users are able edit, add, and remove the content of a Buyer Profile Page featured on the Grovara Marketplace.


Edit a Buyer Profile Page #

To make changes to a Buyer Profile Page, follow the steps below.

      1. On the Dashboard, click “Buyer Page Edit” in the left-hand navigation menu
      2. Input desired information
      3. After desired changes are made, click “Update Buyer Page” to submit changes for approval

By clicking “Update Buyer Page” the changes are submitted to Grovara to be approved or denied.

Edit a Buyer Account #

The Categories of Interest and the Buyer Type can be edited from the “Edit Account” screen. To edit this content, follow the steps below.

      1. Click “Edit Account” in the account icon dropdown menu
      2. Navigate to the “Company Profile” screen and input desired information
      3. After desired changes are made, click “Save”

Image Dimensions #

Buyer Page Image Dimensions in Pixels:

      • Logo: 300w x 100h
      • Main Banner: 1400w x 365h
      • Sub Banners: 1200w x 400h

See a description of editable fields here.




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