Honey Stinger Organic Energy Chews Pink Lemonade 12 innerpacks per case 21.6 oz
Honey Stinger Organic Energy Chews Pink Lemonade 12 innerpacks per case 21.6 oz Product LabelHoney Stinger Organic Energy Chews Pink Lemonade 12 innerpacks per case 21.6 oz Nutrition InfoHoney Stinger Organic Energy Chews Pink Lemonade 12 innerpacks per case 21.6 ozHoney Stinger Organic Energy Chews Pink Lemonade 12 innerpacks per case 21.6 oz
Total Sold Cases: 90
Honey Stinger Organic Energy Chews Pink Lemonade 12 innerpacks per case 21.6 oz

Product Description

'''Enjoy the taste of summer all year long with Honey Stinger's Pink Lemonade Chews. Using natural pink lemonade flavors to create the perfect mixture of sweet and tangy that everyone loves. Sweetened with organic honey and tapioca syrup, these chews provide a natural and sustainable source of energy with multiple carbohydrate sources: glucose, fructose, maltose and sucrose''''''

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Honey Stinger, 3901 S Brandon Rd
Elwood, IL 60421 US

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