Rule Breaker Snacks Deep Chocolate Brownie 12 innerpacks per case 1.9 oz
Rule Breaker Snacks Deep Chocolate Brownie 12 innerpacks per case 1.9 oz Product LabelRule Breaker Snacks Deep Chocolate Brownie 12 innerpacks per case 1.9 oz Nutrition InfoRule Breaker Snacks Deep Chocolate Brownie 12 innerpacks per case 1.9 ozRule Breaker Snacks Deep Chocolate Brownie 12 innerpacks per case 1.9 oz
Rule Breaker Snacks Deep Chocolate Brownie 12 innerpacks per case 1.9 oz

Product Description

It doesn't get more chocolately than this rich, fudgy hunk of heaven. You'd never know it was a better-for-you treat. But this brownie is packed with protein and fiber (secret ingredient: chickpeas!), not too much sugar, and it has only about half the calories of a traditional brownie.

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York, PA 17406 US

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