How to Edit a Brand Profile Page

Brand Profile Pages are designed to allow Brands to customize their representation in the marketplace and for buyers to get in-depth access to Brands all in one place. Brand Primary, Staff Admin, and Customer Service Users are able to edit, add and remove the content of a Brand Profile Page on the Grovara Platform.


To make changes to a Brand Profile Page, follow the steps below.

Edit a Brand Profile Page #

      1. On the Dashboard, click “Brand Page Edit” in the left-hand navigation menu
      2. Select the brand to edit
      3. After desired changes are made, click “Update Brand” to submit changes for approval; in the left-hand navigation, use the multiple down arrows to view filtration options

By clicking “Update Brand,” the changes are submitted to Grovara to be approved or denied.

See a description of all editable fields here.

Brand Page Image Dimensions in Pixels: #

    • Logo: 300w x 110h
    • Main Banner: 1400w x 438h
    • Sub Banners: 1200w x 375h




Optimizing Brand and Product Searchability
What’s On a Product Page