Grovara Introduces Subscription Model For B2B Food & Beverage Import/Export

With supply chain disruptions and rapidly changing consumer preferences to contend with, global food and beverage buyers have a lot on their plate. 

Time is money, and it seems like buyers’ plates are only getting more full.

Grovara’s easy global wholesale experience just got a little easier – and less costly – for the buyers who use it, as we have introduced the only subscription model for B2B food and beverage import/export.  Modeled after traditional B2C subscribe-and-save programs, Grovara’s subscriptions include discounts when volume thresholds are met for increased savings.

“We know that buyers tend to make purchases at certain intervals, every quarter or every month, whatever frequency is best for them,” says Grovara Chief Product Officer Chris Nelson. “Instead of having to go into the platform every time, buyers can set up a subscription that’s no different than the regular ordering process.

“This is simply a way for us to give our buyers more control over their purchasing channel and allow for better forecasting for our brands.”

Once a brand approves a subscription order, it is automated in the Grovara platform the same as any other transaction. If a product is selling well and a buyer wants to count on a brand delivering product every quarter or every month, he or she can set up a subscription so long as the order is a minimum of six pallets.

Brands especially like subscriptions because they can begin to count on a pipeline of business from a buyer and to ensure they have their product ready. By planning to meet demand, brands can free up resources to develop new products or expand marketing.

Subscription ecommerce sales rose 41% since the start of COVID-19 pandemic through the first half of 2021. More and more global buyers are digital natives and more likely to seek out a B2B experience similar to the functionality of their purchases on B2C marketplaces.