Tips for Importing U.S. Produce

Produce represents a highly perishable type of food that requires special refrigeration and little or no time outside proper storage units. Understanding the rules and regulations and taking advantage of tips for importing U.S. produce to your country helps buyers and distributors preserve the freshness of fruits and vegetables.

The Grovara eCommerce platform offers several advantages over importing American produce the traditional way. When you sign up to gain access to the Grovara eCommerce platform, our experts walk you through the import process by reducing the amount of burdensome red tape. You also receive tips on how to comply with American customs regulations, as well as the laws that govern importing American produce.

After completing our free onboarding process, your import company immediately gains access to some of the most popular organic food brands in the world. One of the most significant advantages of joining the Grovara eCommerce platform is that you do not have to spend time researching the most reputable organic produce growers and suppliers that operate in the United States.

Grovara does the vetting of each Better-for-You brand for you.

Founded in 2010, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania-based Grovara has dramatically changed the way buyers and sellers of organic products interact. From performing market research to sharing our knowledge of the best import practices from the United States, Grovara has emerged as the game-changer for the import-export industry. Look at our one-of-a-kind eCommerce platform as a digital tradeshow where you interact with potential sellers in one location. As a buyer, our eCommerce platform allows you to discover new products to introduce to consumers in your country.

Imagine working from a digital platform that provides you with the tools to process orders quickly, facilitate transactions in real-time, and confirm that every fulfillment is accurate and ready to ship on time. Taking advantage of our Pallet Builder tool makes checking out a stress-free experience.

What Defines Organic U.S. Produce?

Grovara provides international buyers and distributors of American produce with information that improves the transaction process. One of the essential terms for a global buyer or distributor to understand concerns the definition of “organic.” American organic produce cannot be grown and cultivated using harmful herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers. Organic produce growers are prohibited from using any genetically modified organisms (GMOs) that alter the natural composition of American fruits and vegetables. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) applies stringent standards for defining American organic produce.

Learn the Grovara Way of Importing American Organic Produce

Importing American produce requires you to submit certain documents, such as a Certificate of Origin and advanced notice to the importing country. Grovara works closely with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) to connect the American agricultural industry with international buyers and distributors that demand healthy food and beverage products. The FAS helps us screen potential organic produce buyers and distributors as well.

Discover tips for importing U.S. produce the Grovara way by submitting our short online form or calling us at 215-207-0967.