Directory of US-Based Organic Food Producers
Finding sellers of better-for-you food and beverage products involves completing several steps before you can even start conversations that translate into sales. You have to perform extensive research, interact with several brokers, and negotiate trade terms. The process can take weeks, if not a couple of months, to complete, and that is just for one seller. What if we told you that your import company could gain access to a directory of US-based organic food producers?
The federal government, through the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), has established stringent standards for labeling food products certified organic. When you sign up to use the revolutionary Grovara eCommerce platform, you meet sellers from the US that offer organic food and beverage products that go through the most intensive vetting done by any other government agency worldwide. Instead of traveling to the US for international trade shows, you meet sellers online from the USA that offer certified organic products.
The Grovara eCommerce platform represents a directory of US-based organic food producers. We are proud to have recently added sellers from a few other countries that meet the rigid standards applied by the USDA.
How to Gain access to the Grovara eCommerce Platform
Since 2010, Philadelphia-based Grovara has offered a better way for international buyers of natural food and beverage products to meet sellers from the USA. The Grovara eCommerce platform works like a virtual trade show. You start conversations with sellers that have undergone a carefully implemented review process to join our eCommerce platform. After you complete the free onboarding process, buyers can start conversations with sellers to request samples or even place orders all on the same day. Our eCommerce platform handles every phase of the sales process, including processing orders, verifying payment methods, and ensuring accurate fulfillment requests.
Grovara has attracted hundreds of brands from the USA that offer healthy food and beverage products. Here are a few of the most recognized brands on the Grovara eCommerce platform.
Optimize Logistics with the Grovara eCommerce Platform
Grovara does more for international buyers than to match them with the right sellers from the USA. Our team of import specialists also helps buyers handle every logistical issue, from understanding US trade regulations to avoiding the delays caused by supply chain disruptions. We also offer our partners numerous tools to enhance the buying process.
One such digital tool, Pallet Builder, uses algorithms to build pallets based on a product’s height, weight, dimensions, ingredients, temperature requirements, and expiration date. We acquire data from IX-ONE, which represents the leader of the food and beverage industry for obtaining and processing important shipping data. From the Grovara eCommerce platform, you can determine whether your company has reached the minimum or maximum volume for every order.
Grovara reminds every international buyer of wellness products from the US that we provide helpful digital tools, but it is up to your company to maximize the benefits of the tools to go global.
Find Out More About the Grovara Way
As international trade continues to go digital, it is essential for buyers operating around the world to stay on top of technology trends to increase sales and minimize costs. The Grovara eCommerce platform allows your team of buyers to access information in real-time from the comfort of their homes or offices. You can expect to receive the latest trade data that Grovara gleans from SPINS analytic reports to help your company connect with more organic food and beverage sellers from the US
Gain access to our directory of US-based organic food producers today by calling 215-207-0967 or by submitting the short online form.