
Coronavirus Impact on Global Shipping Too Big to Ignore

While concern around the globe has vacillated between nuisance and panic, the effects of the recent coronavirus outbreak are becoming much clearer — and more serious —  for the global economy. Guidance from supply chain experts indicates Chinese factories won’t resume production for 3-4 weeks, which would have a significant impact on international shipping. Dreary […]

Global Competitiveness, American Jobs on the Line as U.S. Export-Import Bank Reauthorization Looms

American manufacturers lost an estimated $119 billion in output and some 80,000 jobs in 2016 and 2017 due to a highly preventable administrative hiccup: The U.S. Export-Import Bank, which serves as a vital bank of last resort for American manufacturers, could not produce a quorum on its board of directors in 2015 and subsequently saw […]

Repatriating the American Dollar: Why the U.S. Has So Much Ground to Make Up in Manufacturing Exports

With only 6% of U.S. exports coming from its own manufacturers, there is a world of opportunity for American wellness brands to go global. A recent Council on Foreign Relations article details more about why that opportunity exists. Manufacturing exports are roughly three times as important to the European Union economy than the U.S., giving […]

Grovara Buzz Continues with Addition of Honey Stinger

PHILADELPHIA, July 29, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — Honey Stinger, the award-winning maker of sports nutrition products featuring honey, has joined the growing hive of wellness food and beverage manufacturers to go global with Grovara. Founded in 2001 in Steamboat Springs, Colo., Honey Stinger has demonstrated tremendous growth over nearly two decades, establishing itself as one of the premier sports nutrition brands on the […]