
Natural Food & Beverage Suppliers from the USA

How do you connect with the natural food and beverage suppliers from the USA? The historically accurate answer to the question involved establishing individual business relationships with brokers. For example, you import an organic vegetable from one broker and then build a professional relationship with a second broker to meet the demand for a Better-For-You […]

Gluten-Free Brands to Import from the US

Finding a broker to act as an intermediary can be challenging if you want to import US brands that offer gluten-free food products. Despite the rising popularity of gluten-free food products, many global brokers have not stepped up to match consumer demand in global markets. Attending international trade shows also has not helped importers connect […]

Exporting Your Food or Beverage Product to Middle East

For several reasons, American organic food and beverage brands have difficulty gaining entrance to international markets. First, you must understand different customs and tariff laws and adhere to mostly strict government trade rules and regulations. Some regions of the world present more difficult trade challenges than others. As one of the most complex global markets […]

Global B2B Directory of Buyers & Importers of Wellness Products

Increasing sales in a saturated market can be difficult for an organic food and beverage brand. Competition gets tighter each year, and consumers of wellness products are incredibly loyal to certain brands. This makes attracting them to your brand less likely. Would a global B2B directory of buyers and importers help you grow your sales? […]

Export Opportunities for US Food & Beverages to the UAE

Political and cultural differences can make finding export opportunities for US organic food and beverages difficult. In addition, confusing trade regulations and strict guidelines for labeling Better-For-You foods have been obstacles to establishing strong international trade relationships with UAE brokers and distributors. Although economic barriers have stunted the growth in overseas sales to the UAE, […]

Global B2B Buyers & Importers Directory

What if we told you your company could find trade partners in the Grovara global B2B buyers and importers directory? As an exporter of American organic food and beverage products, your company has to go through brokers and distributors to reach the consumers in different international markets. For example, you have to work with one […]

Exporting Your Food or Beverage Product to Europe

When you need help exporting your organic food and beverage product to Europe, Grovara is ready to help. One of the reasons for forming the European Union (EU) was to simplify business transactions. Instead of working with different brokers representing markets in individual countries, American food and beverage brands funnel transactions through a centralized economic […]

Importing Natural/Organic Food & Beverage Products From USA to UK

If you have considered importing natural, organic food and beverage products from the USA to the UK, now is the time to build long-lasting relationships with American organic food and beverage brands. The numbers set the foundation to tell an incredible story about the strong demand for global organic food and beverage products. When we […]